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il mio blog
Do you wish to marry in Italy? Do you think that we have a lot of wonderflu places? If you are wondering a unforgettable wedding on the Lombardy lake, Maggiore Lake & Como Lake, call us. If you think that it can be possible, cool & fashionable don't forget! Call us!
The experience of Barbara Bianchi, wedding planner and event manager, and Marco Introini, popular Tv floral designer, is all for you, for your family, for your guest.
Near Varese, Como and Milano we can propose a lot of location, beautiful villas, palace, hotels, beautiful church, all for become unforgettable your wedding. Don't be worry about managing people, floral arrangement, music, catering, logystic and hospitality, we manage all!
In this page you can see some of our work, some arrangements and some pictures of our beautiful country.
Dont' be shy, contact us, and that day, will be faboulus!
Villa del Balbianello in white